The Changing Face Of Therapy
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The Changing Face of Therapy
The face of therapy has certainly changed since I first started learning NLP, Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy and becoming part of the self-improvement community.
I first started out seeing people for free for such things like confidence and self-esteem and it was more of a coaching role than as a therapist.
As I qualified and progressed in my learning and confidence I took on more and more clients with various issue some more complicated than others. I’m so glad that my training was very in death and robust so I could tell with such issues also have a mentor on the end of the phone to help, advice and guide me and if I felt the issue to too much for me I’d refer them to my mentor. I also attended many therapy courses learning from some of the best in the industry meaning I fast tracked my learning and knowledge passing each lesson on my clients. The best I am the best result for the client.
Over the 3 or 4 years I have had a massive increase in anxiety or trauma related issues which I never saw at all 7 or 8 years ago, if fact it was rare to get a client for anxiety. Now about 60 – 70 % of my clients are for anxiety or trauma related issues. I’m finding trauma linked to lots of conditions or the underlying issues.
I’ve also seen a big increase in clients coming to see me for help with child based trauma issues that happen to them which is massively brave to admit and face and get the correct therapy for. I said when I started that I didn’t want to take any abuse cases because I found it very hard to listen to however I have found again this pops out in therapy and they sometimes have come in for something completely different. It still sadness me greatly to hear these stories.
Having the correct training to deal with such cases was an important part of my evolution as a therapist with is called Blast Technique.
I’m still a work in process and believe we all work on ourselves to so we are in the best position to help clients. I continue to learn and progress myself gaining more knowledge to pass on in my therapy practice.
Contact me today for a free consultation 024 75098634 or contact me HERE
Adam Cowming
Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy