Diabetes and Mental Health
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Diabetes and Mental Health
What does diabetes mean to me and how does it make me feel…..?
It took me a while to think about and write about it, why?
For many reasons, I was diagnosed in November 2019, at first it did not bother me that much as I live a healthy lifestyle but then that started to annoy me.
Why me? I eat healthy, workout and do not even have a sweet tooth! Imagine my shock !
It turns out it is hereditary, my Grandad, Dad and brother all have it. I knew it was possible but beleived I would not be effected by it. I got annoyed because I did everything I could to avoid this diabetes thing. I saw myself as the last person to get it, however I had to accept that it is now part of my life although does not define me or even part of my identity. I am still just Adam.
My Dad had diabetes, but he was in denial for years choosing diet to control it rather than pills or insulin. He ended up on insulin. I watched my Dad fight it for years saying he didn’t believe the doctors and would just watch what he eats. My Dad was a very stubborn man and refused treatment for many years. My Dad loved to walk, he walked about 10 to 15 miles a day with the dog and my Mum in tow and walked all over Europe and England in his many years of rambling. Many years later and taking his insulin he start to have reoccurring infections in his feet. Unfortunately, due to the infections getting worse he had to have his all of toes amputated on the left foot and 3 on the right stopping him walking. My Dad was devistated and never got over it until the day he passed away with sepsis over a year ago which was also a factor with his diabetes as it increases the risk.
So you can see why I have mixed emotions about diabetes.
Some days I don’t think about diabetes at all other day it pisses me off. I used to like a bar of chocolate every so often now I do not dare to touch one. I’m very sensitive to my blood sugar and have a small range where I feel ok. If it goes up too much my diabetes starts to affect my mood and mental health, I get grumpy, snappy and can be very negative.
Are we over looked in the mental health services or slip through the loop holes?
People with diabetes are up to three times more likely to report symptoms of depression and these can be debilitating. For type 2 diabetes, £1.8 billion of additional costs to the NHS can be attributed to poor mental health. However, less than 15% of people with diabetes have access to psychological support, in spite of the fact that psychological support improves health and cuts costs by 25%.
The prevalence of psychological conditions is significantly higher among people living with diabetes
(Diabetes UK, 2010. Diabetes UK, 2019)
Mental health conditions are also risk factors for the development of diabetes
(Balhara, 2011)
As a therapist it is extremely frustrating as I know what to do to help myself however some days are still a struggle, it takes a great effort to get myself back into a positive place and some days I admit it does not matter what I do to help myself. The one thing that always lifts my spirits and mood is actually do therapy with my clients so doing therapy is my therapy.
I’ve been looking around to see what support there is for people who are struggling with the diagnosis or like me with the odd bad day. I’m sad to say it’s very thin on the ground and I can’t find anyone who specialises in this area. I think there is a gap in the market in which I have first hand experience plus 10 years experience as a therapist puts me well placed to help.
If you feel like it something that could help you or someone you know contact me for a free online or telephone consultation on 024 75098634 or by clicking HERE
Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy
Email : adam@blhypnotherapy.co.uk