Do You Value Yourself?
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Do You Value Yourself?
Knowing who you are and what you and learning to value youurself is one of the most important things we can learn about ourselves in life.
Being who you are is critical to who you are and your growth as a person.
Do you value yourself?
What is your perception of yourself?
Do you do your thing or follow others?
Are you a square peg fitting in a round hole?
Being who you want to be isn’t a crime, trying to be like someone else because we are told we need to be like that person is!
Be who you are and say what you feel because those that mind don’t matter and those that matter don’t mind!
Be your authentic self and by doing so you will identify the people you want in your life people who will encourage you love yourself and grow those are the people you want in your life become a better version of yourself
Be who you are. Be who you want to be. It means you value yourself enough to be you. When you look in the mirror do you see a person you like and love?
Be true to who you are and what you want. No should tell you what success mean to you in life or what a great life is or what you should or should not be doing with your life. What success is for one person may not be success for you. The only path is happiness or success in your like is for you to be you and life your life the way you want to.
To get the most out life sometimes we have to follow our own path, to listen yourself don’t get caught up living a life you don’t want to live. Be yourself.
Learn for others wisdom and lessons but ONLY take what works for you. Do more things that make you laugh or smile, more things to make you proud to be you. Don’t be defined by what others think of you. You are you and there will never be other you.
Kurt Cobain Quotes
I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.
Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.
Being yourself will filter out those people who don’t get you and attracted those that want to be around you. People who are hating the people being real are fake people themselves and the people loving fake people are the same fake people. Real knows real and real knows fake.
Who do you want in your life fake people or real people?
BE YOURSELF because living a life trying to fit in or trying to be someone else so others will like you so you fit in “on the outside” but on “the inside” you will never be happy.
Happiness is the key in life, how happy are you on a consistent basis? We can make a different choice everyday to help to be who we are and the sort of life we want to lead.
You can change your mind anytime or overtime but keep you in mind and don’t spend time anyone or thing that drains your energy. Where you are is not as important as where you are. Defining who you are not is the first step to finding who you are. Give your energy to the positive things and people in your life the one you know support and love you.
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