Life Balance
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Life Balance
Everything in life has to have some balance in order to work or function.
I see clients who haven’t parts of their life quite right or have lacked the understanding to make a change.
So let look at a few examples.
The client who works too hard to make something of themselves but neglect the other things some as relaxation time or time to just switch off. If they are not giving themselves time to recharge their battery what do you think will happen?
Think of yourself like a smart phone, if you have too many apps running it will slow the phone down and also run the power of the battery down a lot faster. We need to recharge just like our phones.
There is the other side of the coin; someone who just wants to have fun is not interested in work and anything too serious in life. They have a job but don’t really want promotion just the wage at the end of the week to go out party, maybe do some drugs and meet the opposite sex and have a good time.
I’m not judging as if both parties are happy living that way then great, however in my experience something will have to give at some point and more of a balance in life created or thought about?
Could you work 60 – 70 hours a week with no life outside work, how would family suffer, relationship and friendships?
Or could you go out all the time drinking and partying 7 days a week, again there are health implications to consider among a whole host of potential issues down the line such a becoming alcohol or drug dependant.
It can relate to other area’s in life should as food I recommend 80% healthy eating and 20% a bit of what you like.
Nature is always a good place to look for balance as if it’s not correct we generally know about it and it’s massive in the news at the moment that we haven’t got it correct and need to help nature in order to regain that balance.
I find a nice walk in the countryside helps me to balance my thoughts and recharge my batteries even though I have a habit of picking tough walks sometimes. I still enjoy being in nature and away from everyday distractions.
I wonder what your life balance is like and if you can think of a way to improve it in some small way to start with?
Let me know if you require that little bit of help like I did when I was younger.
Call the office for a free consultastion 024 75098634 or click HERE