It’s OK To Fail.
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It’s OK To Fail
“It’s ok to fail. It is not okay to give up.”
Clare LaMeres
There is a saying “There is no failure only results” and I kind of like it as long as it’s used in the correct context.
So why is ok to fail?
Everyone fails, EVERYONE. It’s okay to fail
Don’t be afraid to fail or get knocked back, if you are not where you what to be learn from it, take the good bits and move forward again and leave the bad bits behind.
Failing is not a problem however it becomes a problem if you are failing at the same thing repeatedly without learning a lesson from each attempt.
Have the confidence to say to yourself you will find a way around this problem.
Many of the world’s most successful people have failed many times before finding success.
Fall back on the experiences you already have, use it wisely. Everyday is a school day !
Don’t miss those lessons… because they’re critical.
Rely on the basic knowledge you already have and use that also.
By failing we learn what not to do again, we learn lesson about ourselves and life.
Anyone who tells you they have never failed is telling you BS and not worth wasting your time with. We must fail in order to succeed. It’s okay to fail
By failing we must re access the situation for within and ask powerful questions of ourselves or the people around us or team.
It doesn’t matter what the issue it’s your mental approach to it that matters.
Questions to ask
What can I learn from this situation?
How can I improve on what I did last time?
How can I grow as person from this?
Finally, stay positive, have a backup plan, and learn from whatever happens. Your failures will be sources of education and inspiration rather than humiliation.
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison
Failures can be blessings in disguise.
Go boldly in the direction of your dreams and goals. Don’t allow fear to stand in your way.
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Adam Cowming