The Power of Therapy for Boosting Self-Esteem

The Power of Therapy for Boosting Self-Esteem

Self-esteem, the foundation of a healthy self-image and mental well-being, plays a crucial role in our lives. It impacts how we perceive ourselves, how we interact with others, and how we navigate the challenges life throws at us. Fortunately, in the realm of psychology, there are powerful tools like therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques that can significantly enhance self-esteem. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of self-esteem enhancement, exploring some of the best Therapy for Boosting Self-Esteem.

Before delving into techniques, it’s important to understand self-esteem. Self-esteem refers to the overall subjective evaluation of our worth as a person. It’s influenced by our perceptions of our abilities, accomplishments, and how we believe others perceive us. Healthy self-esteem is essential for maintaining a positive self-concept and a balanced mental state.

Some of The Best Therapy for Boosting Self-Esteem

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a widely-used therapeutic approach that focuses on identifying and altering negative thought patterns and behaviors. Through CBT, individuals learn to challenge irrational beliefs and replace them with more realistic and positive thoughts. This technique is effective for self-esteem enhancement by helping individuals recognize and challenge self-deprecating thoughts.
  2. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): ACT encourages individuals to embrace their thoughts and feelings, even the negative ones, while committing to positive actions aligned with their values. By accepting oneself and learning to observe thoughts without judgment, individuals can gradually build a healthier self-concept, boosting self-esteeme
  3. Positive psychology interventions focus on cultivating positive emotions, strengths, and virtues. Techniques such as gratitude journaling, focusing on strengths, and engaging in acts of kindness can help individuals shift their focus from shortcomings to their positive attributes, leading to improved self-esteem.

NLP Techniques for Boosting Self-Esteem

  1. Reframing: NLP teaches individuals to reframe their perceptions of situations and experiences. By viewing events from different angles, individuals can change their emotional responses and interpretations. Reframing negative experiences as valuable lessons or opportunities for growth can have a profound impact on self-esteem.
  2. Anchoring: Anchoring involves associating a specific physical or mental state with a positive emotion. Through NLP, individuals can create an anchor that, when triggered, brings forth feelings of confidence and self-assuredness. This technique helps individuals access positive emotional states whenever needed, bolstering self-esteem.
  3. Visualization and Future Pacing: NLP emphasizes the power of visualization to create positive outcomes. By vividly imagining oneself in situations where they excel and feel confident, individuals can increase their self-esteem. Future pacing involves imagining success in upcoming endeavors, effectively priming the mind for success and boosting self-esteem.

Choosing the Right Technique

The effectiveness of therapy and NLP techniques for self-esteem enhancement can vary from person to person. It’s essential to choose techniques that resonate with you and align with your personality and preferences. Additionally, working with a qualified therapist or coach can provide guidance in selecting the most suitable techniques for your needs.


Enhancing self-esteem is a journey that requires effort, self-reflection, and the application of effective techniques. Both therapy and NLP offer a range of powerful tools that can empower individuals to transform their self-concept and lead a more confident and fulfilling life. By understanding these techniques and incorporating them into your personal growth journey, you can embark on a path towards greater self-esteem and a brighter sense of self-worth.

If you need a little help please contact me HERE for your FREE phone consultation.

This also a good article on Self Esteem by MIND

Unlocking Weight Loss Success.Lose Weight Effortlessly with the 80/20 Diet Principle

Discover the incredible power of Weight Loss Hypnotherapy and the 80/20 Diet Principle in achieving sustainable weight loss. Uncover the secrets to effortless weight management and healthier eating habits. Say goodbye to restrictive diets and hello to a slimmer, happier you.

Are you struggling to shed those extra pounds and achieve your weight loss goals? Look no further! Discover the extraordinary power of Weight Loss Hypnotherapy combined with the revolutionary 80/20 Diet Principle. Prepare to be amazed as we unveil the secrets to a slimmer, healthier you!

Lose Weight Effortlessly with the 80/20 Diet Principle and Hypnotherapy

Are you tired of restrictive diets that leave you feeling deprived and defeated? Say goodbye to traditional weight loss methods and embrace the 80/20 Diet Principle, the ultimate key to sustainable weight loss. By focusing on nutritious, wholesome foods 80% of the time, while indulging guilt-free the remaining 20%, you can finally achieve the body of your dreams without sacrificing your favorite treats.

The 80/20 diet principle is a simple concept that involves consuming healthy, nutrient-rich foods 80% of the time and allowing for more indulgent choices the remaining 20% of the time. This approach encourages balance and moderation rather than strict deprivation, making it easier to adhere to long-term. By adopting this principle, you can still enjoy occasional treats and favorite foods while primarily focusing on nourishing your body.

One significant advantage of the 80/20 diet principle is its flexibility. Unlike rigid diets that often lead to feelings of restriction and failure, the 80/20 approach allows for occasional indulgences without derailing progress. This flexibility can contribute to a healthier mindset and reduce the likelihood of binge-eating or falling into cycles of guilt and shame associated with “cheating” on a strict diet.

But that’s not all! Supercharge your weight loss journey with the incredible power of Weight Loss Hypnotherapy. By harnessing the potential of your nonconscious mind, this cutting-edge technique will revolutionize your relationship with food and transform your eating habits. Say goodbye to mindless snacking and emotional eating as hypnotherapy empowers you to make healthier choices effortlessly.

The Remarkable Benefits of Weight Loss Hypnotherapy and the 80/20 Diet Principle

Combining Weight Loss Hypnotherapy and the 80/20 Diet Principle offers a plethora of life-changing advantages. No longer will you be shackled by restrictive diets and grueling exercise regimens. Instead, you’ll experience a newfound sense of freedom and flexibility on your weight loss journey.

Not only does the 80/20 Diet Principle allow for occasional indulgences, but it also promotes a balanced approach to nutrition that ensures long-term success. Bid farewell to the never-ending cycle of yo-yo dieting and hello to sustainable, achievable weight loss goals.

Meanwhile, Weight Loss Hypnotherapy tackles the root causes of your unhealthy eating patterns, targeting emotional triggers and subconscious associations with food. By reprogramming your mind, this powerful technique helps you regain control over your eating habits, reduce cravings, and increase motivation. It’s like having a personal weight loss coach in your mind, guiding you towards a healthier, happier version of yourself.

Unlock Your Weight Loss Potential Today!

Don’t let another day go by without taking action. Embrace the winning combination of Weight Loss Hypnotherapy and the 80/20 Diet Principle. With this dynamic duo on your side, you’ll finally break free from the shackles of failed diets and transform your body and mind.

It’s time to unlock your weight loss potential and embark on a journey of lasting success. Say goodbye to the old you and welcome a slimmer, healthier, and more confident version of yourself. Get ready to amaze the world with your incredible transformation. Your dream body is just a hypnotherapy session away!

Click on the link above to find out more about my programme.

Disclaimer: Weight Loss Hypnotherapy and the 80/20 Diet Principle work best when combined with a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and professional guidance. Results may vary. Consult a qualified professional before starting any weight loss programme

Unlock the Power Within: Discover the Profound Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. Imagine a life where you have the power to overcome your deepest fears and anxieties. Picture yourself breaking free from the shackles of self-doubt, stress, and the limitations that have held you back for far too long. Now, open your eyes and realize that this life-changing transformation is within your reach through the incredible practice of hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is a gentle yet profoundly effective technique that taps into the boundless potential of your nonconscious mind. It guides you on an inner journey, unveiling the hidden treasures of your psyche and providing the tools necessary for personal growth, healing, and empowerment. As you embark on this path, you’ll discover a multitude of benefits that will leave you forever transformed.

First and foremost, hypnotherapy allows you to access the vast wellspring of your inner strength and resilience. By entering a focused state, your mind becomes receptive to positive suggestions and affirmations. In this state, you can reprogram deep-rooted beliefs and behaviors, replacing them with empowering thoughts that propel you towards success. Imagine the limitless possibilities that await when you shed the weight of self-limiting beliefs and embrace your true potential.

Moreover, hypnotherapy is a powerful ally in conquering those stubborn habits that have hindered your progress. Whether it’s smoking, overeating, or procrastination, hypnotherapy provides a unique opportunity to rewire your subconscious patterns. Through targeted sessions, you’ll find yourself effortlessly adopting healthier habits, effortlessly releasing the chains that have held you back from living your best life.

Beyond the realm of habits, hypnotherapy delves into the core of your emotional well-being. It offers a safe space for exploration, healing, and release of deep-seated emotional wounds. Unresolved trauma, fears, and anxieties can be gently addressed and transformed, allowing you to experience a profound sense of peace, liberation, and emotional freedom. Imagine the weight lifted from your shoulders as you release the burdens of the past, embracing a future filled with renewed hope and joy.

Now is the time to embark on this transformative journey. Book a consultation call with a skilled hypnotherapist who will guide you through this incredible process. I will listen to your unique story, understand your personal aspirations, and tailor a bespoke hypnotherapy plan to help you achieve your goals.

You deserve to live a life free from the constraints of your past. Embrace the power of hypnotherapy and unleash the true potential that lies within you. Take that courageous step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future. Book your consultation call today and embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and limitless possibilities. The life you’ve always dreamed of awaits, and hypnotherapy is the key that will unlock your path to success.

🌟 Embrace your true potential. Book your hypnotherapy consultation call today! 🌟

It’s OK To Fail.

It’s OK To Fail

“It’s ok to fail. It is not okay to give up.”
Clare LaMeres

There is a saying “There is no failure only results” and I kind of like it as long as it’s used in the correct context.

So why is ok to fail?

Everyone fails, EVERYONE. It’s okay to fail

Don’t be afraid to fail or get knocked back, if you are not where you what to be learn from it, take the good bits and move forward again and leave the bad bits behind.

Failing is not a problem however it becomes a problem if you are failing at the same thing repeatedly without learning a lesson from each attempt.

Have the confidence to say to yourself you will find a way around this problem.

Many of the world’s most successful people have failed many times before finding success.

Fall back on the experiences you already have, use it wisely. Everyday is a school day !

Don’t miss those lessons… because they’re critical.

Rely on the basic knowledge you already have and use that also.

By failing we learn what not to do again, we learn lesson about ourselves and life.

Anyone who tells you they have never failed is telling you BS and not worth wasting your time with. We must fail in order to succeed. It’s okay to fail

By failing we must re access the situation for within and ask powerful questions of ourselves or the people around us or team.

It doesn’t matter what the issue it’s your mental approach to it that matters.

Questions to ask

What can I learn from this situation?


How can I improve on what I did last time?


How can I grow as person from this?

Finally, stay positive, have a backup plan, and learn from whatever happens. Your failures will be sources of education and inspiration rather than humiliation.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison

Failures can be blessings in disguise.

Go boldly in the direction of your dreams and goals. Don’t allow fear to stand in your way.

Contact me today for a free consultation 024 75098634 or click HERE

Adam Cowming

Do You Value Yourself?

Do You Value Yourself?

Knowing who you are and what you and learning to value youurself is one of the most important things we can learn about ourselves in life.

Being who you are is critical to who you are and your growth as a person.

Do you value yourself?

What is your perception of yourself?

Do you do your thing or follow others?

Are you a square peg fitting in a round hole?

Being who you want to be isn’t a crime, trying to be like someone else because we are told we need to be like that person is!

Be who you are and say what you feel because those that mind don’t matter and those that matter don’t mind!

Be your authentic self and by doing so you will identify the people you want in your life people who will encourage you love yourself and grow those are the people you want in your life become a better version of yourself

Be who you are. Be who you want to be. It means you value yourself enough to be you. When you look in the mirror do you see a person you like and love?

Be true to who you are and what you want. No should tell you what success mean to you in life or what a great life is or what you should or should not be doing with your life. What success is for one person may not be success for you. The only path is happiness or success in your like is for you to be you and life your life the way you want to.

To get the most out life sometimes we have to follow our own path, to listen yourself don’t get caught up living a life you don’t want to live. Be yourself.

Learn for others wisdom and lessons but ONLY take what works for you. Do more things that make you laugh or smile, more things to make you proud to be you. Don’t be defined by what others think of you. You are you and there will never be other you.

Kurt Cobain Quotes

I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.

Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.

Being yourself will filter out those people who don’t get you and attracted those that want to be around you. People who are hating the people being real are fake people themselves and the people loving fake people are the same fake people. Real knows real and real knows fake.

Who do you want in your life fake people or real people?

BE YOURSELF because living a life trying to fit in or trying to be someone else so others will like you so you fit in “on the outside” but on “the inside” you will never be happy.

Happiness is the key in life, how happy are you on a consistent basis? We can make a different choice everyday to help to be who we are and the sort of life we want to lead.

You can change your mind anytime or overtime but keep you in mind and don’t spend time anyone or thing that drains your energy. Where you are is not as important as where you are. Defining who you are not is the first step to finding who you are. Give your energy to the positive things and people in your life the one you know support and love you.

Contact me today for a free consultation 024 75098634 or click HERE



Beatiful Life Hypnotherapy

The Changing Face Of Therapy

The Changing Face of Therapy

The face of therapy has certainly changed since I first started learning NLP, Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy and becoming part of the self-improvement community.

I first started out seeing people for free for such things like confidence and self-esteem and it was more of a coaching role than as a therapist.

As I qualified and progressed in my learning and confidence I took on more and more clients with various issue some more complicated than others. I’m so glad that my training was very in death and robust so I could tell with such issues also have a mentor on the end of the phone to help, advice and guide me and if I felt the issue to too much for me I’d refer them to my mentor. I also attended many therapy courses learning from some of the best in the industry meaning I fast tracked my learning and knowledge passing each lesson on my clients. The best I am the best result for the client.

Over the 3 or 4 years I have had a massive increase in anxiety or trauma related issues which I never saw at all 7 or 8 years ago, if fact it was rare to get a client for anxiety. Now about 60 – 70 % of my clients are for anxiety or trauma related issues.  I’m finding trauma linked to lots of conditions or the underlying issues.

I’ve also seen a big increase in clients coming to see me for help with child based trauma issues that happen to them which is massively brave to admit and face and get the correct therapy for. I said when I started that I didn’t want to take any abuse cases because I found it very hard to listen to however I have found again this pops out in therapy and they sometimes have come in for something completely different. It still sadness me greatly to hear these stories.

Having the correct training to deal with such cases was an important part of my evolution as a therapist with is called Blast Technique.

I’m still a work in process and believe we all work on ourselves to so we are in the best position to help clients. I continue to learn and progress myself gaining more knowledge to pass on in my therapy practice.

Contact me today for a free consultation 024 75098634 or contact me HERE

Adam Cowming

Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy

Life Balance

Life Balance

Everything in life has to have some balance in order to work or function.

I see clients who haven’t parts of their life quite right or have lacked the understanding to make a change.

So let look at a few examples.

The client who works too hard to make something of themselves but neglect the other things some as relaxation time or time to just switch off. If they are not giving themselves time to recharge their battery what do you think will happen?

Think of yourself like a smart phone, if you have too many apps running it will slow the phone down and also run the power of the battery down a lot faster. We need to recharge just like our phones.

There is the other side of the coin; someone who just wants to have fun is not interested in work and anything too serious in life. They have a job but don’t really want promotion just the wage at the end of the week to go out party, maybe do some drugs and meet the opposite sex and have a good time.

I’m not judging as if both parties are happy living that way then great, however in my experience something will have to give at some point and more of a balance in life created or thought about?

Could you work 60 – 70 hours a week with no life outside work, how would family suffer, relationship and friendships?

Or could you go out all the time drinking and partying 7 days a week, again there are health implications to consider among a whole host of potential issues down the line such a becoming alcohol or drug dependant.

It can relate to other area’s in life should as food I recommend 80% healthy eating and 20% a bit of what you like.

Nature is always a good place to look for balance as if it’s not correct we generally know about it and it’s massive in the news at the moment that we haven’t got it correct and need to help nature in order to regain that balance.

I find a nice walk in the countryside helps me to balance my thoughts and recharge my batteries even though I have a habit of picking tough walks sometimes. I still enjoy being in nature and away from everyday distractions.

I wonder what your life balance is like and if you can think of a way to improve it in some small way to start with?

Let me know if you require that little bit of help like I did when I was younger.

Call the office for a free consultastion 024 75098634 or click HERE



Self Belief

Self Belief

What is self beleive and why do we need it?

We demonstrate the confidence and self belief we have in ourselves in a number of ways; our behaviour, our mood and even how we carry ourselves. It’s common for individuals who lack self-belief and self-confidence to find certain areas of their life affected.

Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: people who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful.

Examine your strengths, limitations and the reality of your situation honestly every day. Some days you won’t believe in yourself, and that’s OK. But if you can unpack and see where that temporary disbelief is rooted, you’ll identify what’s needed to move forward.

Moving forward ultimately leads to success, nothing more

That’s right, self belief in yourself is a choice. It is an attitude you develop over time. Think positively about yourself. Remind yourself that, despite any problems, you are a unique, special, and valuable person, and that you deserve to feel good about yourself.

The thing about confidence is that you get it by doing things over and over again. And while I’m not going to pretend everyone you come into contact with will be lovely and supportive if you ask for help, most people love helping others because it makes them feel good.

Always celebrate your successes and encourage yourself when you face setbacks. Building confidence does not happen overnight; it takes time for your brain to be convinced of the compliments you give yourself. Speaking comments out loud while you look back at your image in the mirror can help as it is you actually talking to yourself helps build self confidence.

You have to learn to be aware of your self-talk, the thoughts you have about yourself and what you’re doing. I learned to recognize negative self-talk, and soon I learned a trick that changed everything in my life: I would imagine that a negative thought was a bug, and I would be on the lookout for these. When I caught one, I would stop it and squash it, question it then replace it with a positive one.

Contact me today for a free consultation 024 75098634 or click HERE



“Coventry Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy Conference 2019”

I thought I’d let you know my experience of speaking at this conference and the other speakers at the event set up by Nick Davies of The Warwickshire School of Hypnotherapy.

So the first speaker of the day was who I will describe as a real gentleman with a wealth of knowledge. Steven Blake who talked about his methods of dealing with pain and his system called “Oldpain2go”.

I’d heard really good things and was certainly intrigued by the method and thoughts behind it, I wasn’t disappointed. I loved the approach and application of the techniques which was demonstrated by Steven in a master class of elegance and skill. Steven has a real passion for helping people and that shone through in his presentation.  I will certainly be training in this, I was up next and what a tough act to follow!

I spoke about my approach and thoughts on “Weight Management” using my unique approach which is a little different from tradition.  I shared my finding on “What, How and Why” people eat and also the relation to digesting information going into Transactional Analysis, Metaphor work and the provocative style I use with some more challenging clients.

I really enjoyed the experience and hope the other delegates and speakers enjoyed my contribution and challenging methods.

The next speaker was someone I know, my friend, mentor, supervisor and organiser of the conference, Nick Davies.

Nick presentation was on PTSD and Trauma which he has featured in many media publications and radio. He is known as “The PTSD Whisper” and is in my opinion the go to guy on this subject.

Nick has all the neurology to back up his BLAST® Technique and his presenting style is very polished he is very easy to listen to also eager to answer any questions on the subject. His passion is clear and knowledge is outstanding. Nick is world class and once again proved it with a demonstration of his skill with people. I never fail to learn when around Nick.

Next up was Christopher Paul Jones also known as “The Breakthrough Expert” and also has been featured on TV and media and is very charismatic.

Christopher spoke on fears and phobia’s and has a deep knowledge on the subject interacting with the audience and sharing some great tips and tricks to deal with any issues client have. The presentation was slick and professional incorporating a real personal story of his fear of flying and how he overcame this. Chris also did a live demo which was very good helping someone with a fear of dogs.

Big Darren Housley was next talking on more of the business side of therapy, Practice Building. Darren is probably the busiest therapist I know seeing up to 30 clients a week in Yorkshire. Darren’s presentation was delivered with humour and knowledge. This is an area which is neglected by some therapist so the information was of great value and I think we all learned a great deal from it. It’s great to see a person with a passion for helping as many people as he can succeed and also so free with his inside knowledge so other can gain from that. He held nothing back and was very open and honest with any questions from the delegates and another true gent of this profession.

Last but not least was Colin T Fisher someone new to me and talking on the subject “Law of Attraction”.  I must admit I used to be a little sceptical on this subject however I always approach anything with an open mind.  Colin certain has a lot of energy when presenting and had us all in the right vibe. He presentation talked a lot about what he thought was missing from a lot of LOA stuff and I must admit I liked him from the off. I’m certainly going to put into practice what he taught as a lot of it was good advice that made sense, none of the fluffy nonsense, it also helped he is a very good business man so lives in the real world and shared his successes and failures with us. He is also was a bloody nice bloke.

All in all the day was a great success. I look forward to next year’s conference which I’m sure will be bigger, better (If that’s possible!) and with more speakers.

Contact me today for a free consultation 024 75098634 or click HERE

Adam Cowming

Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy

Why come to see a therapist?

Why Come to See A Therapist

Why come and see a therapist? Taking care of your mental health is an important step in caring for yourself as a whole. Stress, anxiety, depression, addictions, and more can all affect your day-to-day life; seeing a therapist can help you form healthy coping tactics that can improve your quality of life. In some cases, symptoms can be indicators of larger problems, and a therapist can offer insight into what may be causing them.

Therapy used to have the stigma that it was only for seriously “messed up” people. And though some of those feelings still exist, the stereotype is slowly being left behind.

Why come and see a therapist? Many people find that therapy also provides some unexpected benefits. When they leave, they realize they’ve gotten more than they bargained for—sort of a bonus for engaging in the experience.

The main objective is helping people relieve their symptoms and underlying issues. But if they can resolve their problem while becoming better listeners and empathizers with an ability to discuss deep issues in a way that positively impacts their inner circle, what’s the problem?

Therapy isn’t just for moments of earth-shattering personal tragedies. It can also be useful in reorienting yourself toward your true wants and needs, training yourself in the art of self-compassion, and better understanding, respecting, and communicating your feelings. And—surprise—it’s often easier to pursue these goals when you’re not wrestling bigger, darker obstacles. So consider this your permission to give therapy a try, even if your life is going hunky-dory. Your future self may just look back and say, “Thanks!”

Rather than seeking out therapy (men?), people will convince themselves that everything is fine. They tell themselves their sadness, worry, irritability, sleeping problems, high stress, and physical tension will dissipate independently.

The real courage comes from identifying the need for treatment and sharing this need with trusted people in your life. Shouting your symptoms across every social media platform isn’t necessary or helpful — you only have to admit the truth to yourself.

Contact me today for a free consultation 024 75098634 or click HERE



Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy