The Power of Therapy for Boosting Self-Esteem

The Power of Therapy for Boosting Self-Esteem

Self-esteem, the foundation of a healthy self-image and mental well-being, plays a crucial role in our lives. It impacts how we perceive ourselves, how we interact with others, and how we navigate the challenges life throws at us. Fortunately, in the realm of psychology, there are powerful tools like therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques that can significantly enhance self-esteem. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of self-esteem enhancement, exploring some of the best Therapy for Boosting Self-Esteem.

Before delving into techniques, it’s important to understand self-esteem. Self-esteem refers to the overall subjective evaluation of our worth as a person. It’s influenced by our perceptions of our abilities, accomplishments, and how we believe others perceive us. Healthy self-esteem is essential for maintaining a positive self-concept and a balanced mental state.

Some of The Best Therapy for Boosting Self-Esteem

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a widely-used therapeutic approach that focuses on identifying and altering negative thought patterns and behaviors. Through CBT, individuals learn to challenge irrational beliefs and replace them with more realistic and positive thoughts. This technique is effective for self-esteem enhancement by helping individuals recognize and challenge self-deprecating thoughts.
  2. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): ACT encourages individuals to embrace their thoughts and feelings, even the negative ones, while committing to positive actions aligned with their values. By accepting oneself and learning to observe thoughts without judgment, individuals can gradually build a healthier self-concept, boosting self-esteeme
  3. Positive psychology interventions focus on cultivating positive emotions, strengths, and virtues. Techniques such as gratitude journaling, focusing on strengths, and engaging in acts of kindness can help individuals shift their focus from shortcomings to their positive attributes, leading to improved self-esteem.

NLP Techniques for Boosting Self-Esteem

  1. Reframing: NLP teaches individuals to reframe their perceptions of situations and experiences. By viewing events from different angles, individuals can change their emotional responses and interpretations. Reframing negative experiences as valuable lessons or opportunities for growth can have a profound impact on self-esteem.
  2. Anchoring: Anchoring involves associating a specific physical or mental state with a positive emotion. Through NLP, individuals can create an anchor that, when triggered, brings forth feelings of confidence and self-assuredness. This technique helps individuals access positive emotional states whenever needed, bolstering self-esteem.
  3. Visualization and Future Pacing: NLP emphasizes the power of visualization to create positive outcomes. By vividly imagining oneself in situations where they excel and feel confident, individuals can increase their self-esteem. Future pacing involves imagining success in upcoming endeavors, effectively priming the mind for success and boosting self-esteem.

Choosing the Right Technique

The effectiveness of therapy and NLP techniques for self-esteem enhancement can vary from person to person. It’s essential to choose techniques that resonate with you and align with your personality and preferences. Additionally, working with a qualified therapist or coach can provide guidance in selecting the most suitable techniques for your needs.


Enhancing self-esteem is a journey that requires effort, self-reflection, and the application of effective techniques. Both therapy and NLP offer a range of powerful tools that can empower individuals to transform their self-concept and lead a more confident and fulfilling life. By understanding these techniques and incorporating them into your personal growth journey, you can embark on a path towards greater self-esteem and a brighter sense of self-worth.

If you need a little help please contact me HERE for your FREE phone consultation.

This also a good article on Self Esteem by MIND

Rewriting the Nonconscious Mind

Unlocking Change through Hypnotherapy: Rewriting the Nonconscious Mind

Hypnotherapy, a fascinating realm of therapeutic practice, offers a unique approach to harnessing the power of the human mind for personal transformation. Unlike traditional talk therapies that primarily focus on conscious thoughts and behaviors, hypnotherapy delves into the depths of the nonconscious mind to initiate profound change by rewriting the nonconscious mind

The nonconscious mind, most people know as the subconscious mind, is a reservoir of beliefs, memories, emotions, and automatic responses that operate beneath our conscious awareness. It plays a pivotal role in shaping our perceptions, habits, and reactions. However, it’s often difficult to access and modify this realm using conscious efforts alone. This is where hypnotherapy steps in.

Hypnotherapy works by inducing a state of heightened focus, imagination consentration, often referred to as a trance state. In this state, the mind becomes more open to suggestion, allowing the hypnotherapist to communicate directly with the nonconscious mind. Contrary to popular misconceptions, individuals in a hypnotic trance are not asleep or under anyone’s control; they remain aware and in control of their actions.

During a hypnotherapy session, a skilled practitioner guides the individual into this trance state using various techniques like guided imagery, deep breathing, and progressive relaxation. Once the trance state is achieved, the hypnotherapist can introduce positive suggestions, encourage the reevaluation of beliefs, and even revisit past memories to reinterpret them in a healthier light.

The power of hypnotherapy lies in its ability to bypass the critical conscious mind, which often resists change due to established patterns and defenses. By directly communicating with the nonconscious mind, hypnotherapy can facilitate the rewiring of neural pathways, altering how individuals perceive, respond to, and manage various aspects of their lives.

It’s important to note that hypnotherapy is not a magical solution, nor does it work equally for everyone. Its effectiveness depends on an individual’s receptivity, willingness to engage, and the skill of the hypnotherapist. It’s also not a replacement for medical treatment; rather, it can be used as a complementary approach to address issues such as anxiety, phobias, pain management, and even smoking cessation.

In essence, hypnotherapy is a tool that taps into the hidden reservoir of the nonconscious mind, offering a unique opportunity for personal growth and change. By rewriting the nonconscious mind and the srcipts stored deep within, individuals can break free from limiting beliefs, conquer fears, and pave the way for a more fulfilling life.

Here is an interseting article on the Nonconconscious mind

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Mindfulness vs. Self-Hypnosis

Mindfulness vs. Self-Hypnosis: Exploring Two Paths to Inner Transformation

In the pursuit of personal growth and mental well-being, individuals often explore various techniques and practices to enhance their inner lives. Two such methods that have gained popularity are mindfulness and self-hypnosis. While both techniques aim to improve self-awareness and promote positive change, they differ in their approaches and underlying principles. In this article, we will delve into the distinctions between mindfulness and self-hypnosis, shedding light on their unique benefits and applications.

Mindfulness is a practice rooted in ancient Eastern traditions, particularly Buddhism. It involves cultivating an open, non-judgmental awareness of the present moment. Practitioners of mindfulness direct their attention to their thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and the environment without attaching any judgment or evaluation. The goal is to observe these experiences with curiosity and acceptance, fostering a deep understanding of one’s inner workings.

Benefits of Mindfulness:

  1. Stress Reduction: Mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety by promoting a sense of calm and emotional regulation.
  2. Improved Focus: Regular mindfulness practice can enhance concentration and cognitive abilities by training the mind to remain in the present.
  3. Emotional Resilience: Mindfulness helps individuals develop a healthier relationship with their emotions, allowing them to respond to challenging situations with greater equanimity.
  4. Enhanced Self-Awareness: By observing thoughts and emotions without judgment, mindfulness practitioners gain insights into their behavioral patterns and triggers.

Self-hypnosis is a technique that involves inducing a focused state of attention and heightened suggestibility. It draws from the principles of hypnotherapy, a therapeutic approach that uses suggestion to create positive changes in behavior, thoughts, or feelings. During self-hypnosis, individuals guide themselves into a trance-like state where they are open to suggestions aimed at addressing specific issues or goals.

Benefits of Self-Hypnosis:

  1. Behavior Modification: Self-hypnosis can help individuals overcome habits or behaviors they wish to change, such as smoking or overeating.
  2. Pain Management: It has been used to alleviate chronic pain and discomfort by influencing the brain’s perception of sensations.
  3. Confidence Boosting: Self-hypnosis can enhance self-esteem and confidence by instilling positive affirmations and beliefs.
  4. Stress Relief: Similar to mindfulness, self-hypnosis can induce a state of relaxation, reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm.

Key Differences:

  1. Awareness vs. Suggestion: Mindfulness focuses on observing experiences without judgment, while self-hypnosis uses suggestive techniques to influence behavior and thoughts.
  2. Present-Centered vs. Goal-Oriented: Mindfulness centers on the present moment experience, while self-hypnosis is often directed towards achieving specific outcomes.
  3. Non-Judgmental vs. Suggestion-Accepting: Mindfulness encourages non-judgmental observation, whereas self-hypnosis involves accepting and internalizing suggestions for change.

Mindfulness and self-hypnosis are two distinct yet complementary paths to inner transformation. While mindfulness emphasizes present-moment awareness and non-judgmental observation, self-hypnosis harnesses the power of suggestion to create desired changes in behavior and emotions. Both techniques offer valuable tools for personal growth, stress reduction, and enhancing overall well-being. Choosing between the two depends on individual preferences, goals, and the desired approach to self-improvement

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Anxiety Help: Quick and Effective Strategies for Coping

Welcome to an article that holds the key to finding anxiety help and calming your anxious mind. As someone who has personally experienced the grip of anxiety and as a therapist who has helped countless individuals find solace, I am here to guide you on this transformative journey towards inner peace. In the following sections, we will explore effective strategies and personal anecdotes that will illuminate the path ahead.

Understanding Anxiety: A Personal Encounter

My Struggle with Anxiety

Let me begin by sharing a personal anecdote. As a child I found myself caught in the relentless grip of anxiety. Racing thoughts, a pounding heart, and a constant sense of dread became my unwelcome companions. It was then that I realized firsthand the toll anxiety can take on our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Through my own journey, I discovered that the secret to anxiety help and calming an anxious mind lies in a multi-faceted approach.

Pattern Interrupt Techniques.

Pattern interrupt techniques are powerful tools for managing anxiety and regaining control over our thoughts and emotions. By interrupting repetitive and negative patterns of thinking, these techniques can help break the cycle of anxiety and bring about a sense of calm and clarity. Let’s explore some of the best pattern interrupt techniques for anxiety:

·  Thought Stopping: Thought stopping is a technique used to interrupt and redirect intrusive and anxious thoughts. When you notice a negative or anxious thought arising, mentally shout “Stop!” or imagine a red stop sign. This sudden interruption disrupts the flow of the thought and allows you to consciously replace it with a more positive or calming thought. Repeat this process as needed to break the pattern of anxious thinking.

·  Physical Movement: Engaging in physical movement can be an effective pattern interrupt technique for anxiety. Whether it’s going for a brisk walk, doing yoga, dancing, or participating in any form of exercise, the act of moving your body helps shift your focus away from anxious thoughts and activates the release of endorphins, which promote feelings of well-being and relaxation.

Incorporate these techniques into your daily routine and use them as tools to interrupt patterns of anxious thinking whenever they arise. With practice and consistency, you can gain better control over your anxiety and experience a greater sense of calm and well-being.

The Art of Mindful Awareness

One of the most effective tools in our arsenal against anxiety is the practice of mindfulness. By cultivating mindful awareness, we learn to observe our thoughts and emotions without judgment, anchoring ourselves in the present moment. I vividly recall a client, Sarah, who struggled with debilitating anxiety. Together, we embarked on a journey of mindfulness, integrating simple yet powerful techniques into her daily routine. Over time, she discovered the immense power of redirecting her attention to the present, finding anxiety help and respite from the overwhelming worries of the past and the uncertain future.

Cultivating the Habit of Mindful Living

To embrace mindfulness and find anxiety help, we can start with small, intentional steps. Incorporating short moments of stillness into our day, engaging in mindful breathing exercises, or taking a mindful walk in nature can all serve as anchors to the present moment. By consciously redirecting our attention away from anxious thoughts and towards the richness of our immediate experience, we begin to break free from the shackles of anxiety.

The Power of Cognitive Restructuring

Negative thoughts often fuel the flames of anxiety, imprisoning us in a cycle of fear and self-doubt. Yet, we possess the ability to challenge and reframe these thoughts, opening the door to a more empowering perspective. Let me share the story of Alex, a client who constantly berated himself with thoughts of failure and inadequacy. Through cognitive restructuring exercises, he gradually unearthed the deep-rooted beliefs that fed his anxiety. With compassionate guidance, we worked together to replace these self-defeating thoughts with positive and realistic affirmations, fostering a newfound sense of self-worth and resilience.

Shifting Perspectives: A Mindful Journey

In addition to cognitive restructuring, the practice of mindfulness can serve as a powerful catalyst for shifting perspectives. By observing our thoughts from a place of non-judgmental awareness, we gain a fresh vantage point, untangling ourselves from the grip of anxious thinking patterns. I often encourage my clients to approach their anxious thoughts with curiosity, asking themselves, “Is this thought helpful or true?” This gentle inquiry enables them to challenge the validity of their fears and open up space for more balanced and compassionate perspectives.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the journey towards calming your anxious mind and finding anxiety help is multifaceted. By embracing mindfulness, rewiring negative thoughts, nurturing self-care, and seeking support, you can navigate through the challenges of anxiety and cultivate inner peace. Remember, you have the power to unlock the secret to a calmer mind and a brighter future. Take the first step, reach out for help, and believe in your ability to overcome anxiety’s grip. The path ahead may not always be easy, but with determination and the right support, you can find the peace and freedom you deserve.

Here is a video explaining how I work.

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Empower Your Mental Health: 5 Essential Tips for Managing and Thriving

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, prioritizing mental health has become more crucial than ever. Finding effective strategies to manage and nurture your well-being is essential for leading a fulfilling life. Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy in Warwickshire offers a range of transformative services to help you achieve optimal mental health and inner harmony. In this article, we will explore five valuable tips for managing your mental health, highlighting the profound benefits of hypnotherapy.

Here some useful mental health tips.

  1. Prioritize Self-Care: Self-care forms the foundation of mental well-being. Allocate time for activities that rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Engage in regular exercise, practice mindfulness or meditation, and nourish yourself with a balanced diet. Hypnotherapy can guide you in developing personalized self-care routines to restore balance and cultivate a positive mindset.
  2. Cultivate Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Life presents us with challenges that can sometimes feel overwhelming. It’s essential to develop healthy coping mechanisms to navigate these obstacles effectively. Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy specializes in empowering individuals with powerful tools to manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional triggers. Through personalized hypnotherapy sessions, you can discover new coping strategies and transform negative thought patterns.
  3. Enhance Emotional Resilience: Building emotional resilience is vital for maintaining good mental health. Hypnotherapy sessions at Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy provide a nurturing environment for exploring and healing emotional wounds. By addressing past traumas and working through unresolved issues, you can develop a strong foundation of emotional resilience. This newfound strength will enable you to face life’s challenges with greater confidence and adaptability.
  4. Foster Positive Relationships: Meaningful connections and supportive relationships play a vital role in mental well-being. Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy offers sessions that focus on building self-esteem, improving communication skills, and creating healthy boundaries. By nurturing positive relationships, you can cultivate a strong support system and enhance your overall mental health.
  5. Embrace the Power of Hypnotherapy: Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for transforming limiting beliefs, reducing anxiety, and accessing your inner resources. Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy in Warwickshire offers personalized hypnotherapy sessions that guide you through a deeply relaxed state to harness the power of your subconscious mind. By tapping into your inner wisdom, you can overcome obstacles, reprogram negative patterns, and create a life filled with positivity, purpose, and fulfillment.

Conclusion: Your mental health is a precious asset that deserves your utmost care and attention. By implementing these five tips and exploring the transformative benefits of hypnotherapy at Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy in Warwickshire, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. Take the first step towards empowering your mental health today and unlock the beautiful life that awaits you.

If you found these mental health tips useful please share this articile on your social media to reach and help others.

Call to schedule your consultation and begin your transformative journey towards optimal mental well-being. Experience the profound benefits of hypnotherapy and embrace a life filled with balance, resilience, and inner harmony.

Unlock the Power Within: Discover the Profound Benefits of Hypnotherapy

Close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. Imagine a life where you have the power to overcome your deepest fears and anxieties. Picture yourself breaking free from the shackles of self-doubt, stress, and the limitations that have held you back for far too long. Now, open your eyes and realize that this life-changing transformation is within your reach through the incredible practice of hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is a gentle yet profoundly effective technique that taps into the boundless potential of your nonconscious mind. It guides you on an inner journey, unveiling the hidden treasures of your psyche and providing the tools necessary for personal growth, healing, and empowerment. As you embark on this path, you’ll discover a multitude of benefits that will leave you forever transformed.

First and foremost, hypnotherapy allows you to access the vast wellspring of your inner strength and resilience. By entering a focused state, your mind becomes receptive to positive suggestions and affirmations. In this state, you can reprogram deep-rooted beliefs and behaviors, replacing them with empowering thoughts that propel you towards success. Imagine the limitless possibilities that await when you shed the weight of self-limiting beliefs and embrace your true potential.

Moreover, hypnotherapy is a powerful ally in conquering those stubborn habits that have hindered your progress. Whether it’s smoking, overeating, or procrastination, hypnotherapy provides a unique opportunity to rewire your subconscious patterns. Through targeted sessions, you’ll find yourself effortlessly adopting healthier habits, effortlessly releasing the chains that have held you back from living your best life.

Beyond the realm of habits, hypnotherapy delves into the core of your emotional well-being. It offers a safe space for exploration, healing, and release of deep-seated emotional wounds. Unresolved trauma, fears, and anxieties can be gently addressed and transformed, allowing you to experience a profound sense of peace, liberation, and emotional freedom. Imagine the weight lifted from your shoulders as you release the burdens of the past, embracing a future filled with renewed hope and joy.

Now is the time to embark on this transformative journey. Book a consultation call with a skilled hypnotherapist who will guide you through this incredible process. I will listen to your unique story, understand your personal aspirations, and tailor a bespoke hypnotherapy plan to help you achieve your goals.

You deserve to live a life free from the constraints of your past. Embrace the power of hypnotherapy and unleash the true potential that lies within you. Take that courageous step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future. Book your consultation call today and embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and limitless possibilities. The life you’ve always dreamed of awaits, and hypnotherapy is the key that will unlock your path to success.

🌟 Embrace your true potential. Book your hypnotherapy consultation call today! 🌟

Are you looking for a way to improve your mental and emotional wellbeing?

Have you considered hypnotherapy? It’s a safe and effective way to tackle a range of issues, from anxiety and depression to addictions and weight loss. Here at Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy in Warwickshire, I offer a range of hypnotherapy services to help you achieve your goals and live your best life. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of hypnotherapy and how it can help you overcome your challenges.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to help you achieve a focused state of mind. During a session, a hypnotherapist will guide you into this state and use suggestion to help you achieve your goals. Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. During hypnosis, you remain alert and aware of your surroundings, but your mind is more receptive to suggestion.

What are the benefits of hypnotherapy?

There are many benefits to hypnotherapy, including:

  1. Reduced anxiety and stress: Hypnotherapy can help you achieve a state of deep relaxation, which can reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.
  2. Overcome addictions: Hypnotherapy can help you overcome addictions by changing the way you think and feel about the addictive substance or behavior.
  3. Weight loss: Hypnotherapy can help you lose weight by addressing the root causes of overeating, such as emotional eating or lack of motivation.
  4. Improved sleep: Hypnotherapy can help you achieve a restful night’s sleep by reducing feelings of anxiety and helping you relax.
  5. Improved confidence and self-esteem: Hypnotherapy can help you overcome negative self-talk and improve your confidence and self-esteem.

Why choose Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy?

At Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy in Warwickshire, I offer a range of hypnotherapy services to help you achieve your goals. Whether you’re looking to overcome anxiety, quit smoking, or lose weight, our experienced and professional hypnotherapists can help. We offer a personalized approach to each client, tailoring our services to fit your unique needs and circumstances. Our comfortable and relaxing environment will put you at ease and help you achieve a focused state of mind. I pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service and are committed to helping you achieve your goals and live a beautiful life.


Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective way to overcome a range of issues, including anxiety, addiction, weight loss, and self-esteem. Here at Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy in Warwickshire, we offer a range of hypnotherapy services to help you achieve your goals and live your best life. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover the benefits of hypnotherapy for yourself.

Contact me today to book a free and friendly phone consultation.

Self Belief

Self Belief

What is self beleive and why do we need it?

We demonstrate the confidence and self belief we have in ourselves in a number of ways; our behaviour, our mood and even how we carry ourselves. It’s common for individuals who lack self-belief and self-confidence to find certain areas of their life affected.

Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can be a vicious circle: people who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful.

Examine your strengths, limitations and the reality of your situation honestly every day. Some days you won’t believe in yourself, and that’s OK. But if you can unpack and see where that temporary disbelief is rooted, you’ll identify what’s needed to move forward.

Moving forward ultimately leads to success, nothing more

That’s right, self belief in yourself is a choice. It is an attitude you develop over time. Think positively about yourself. Remind yourself that, despite any problems, you are a unique, special, and valuable person, and that you deserve to feel good about yourself.

The thing about confidence is that you get it by doing things over and over again. And while I’m not going to pretend everyone you come into contact with will be lovely and supportive if you ask for help, most people love helping others because it makes them feel good.

Always celebrate your successes and encourage yourself when you face setbacks. Building confidence does not happen overnight; it takes time for your brain to be convinced of the compliments you give yourself. Speaking comments out loud while you look back at your image in the mirror can help as it is you actually talking to yourself helps build self confidence.

You have to learn to be aware of your self-talk, the thoughts you have about yourself and what you’re doing. I learned to recognize negative self-talk, and soon I learned a trick that changed everything in my life: I would imagine that a negative thought was a bug, and I would be on the lookout for these. When I caught one, I would stop it and squash it, question it then replace it with a positive one.

Contact me today for a free consultation 024 75098634 or click HERE



“Coventry Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy Conference 2019”

I thought I’d let you know my experience of speaking at this conference and the other speakers at the event set up by Nick Davies of The Warwickshire School of Hypnotherapy.

So the first speaker of the day was who I will describe as a real gentleman with a wealth of knowledge. Steven Blake who talked about his methods of dealing with pain and his system called “Oldpain2go”.

I’d heard really good things and was certainly intrigued by the method and thoughts behind it, I wasn’t disappointed. I loved the approach and application of the techniques which was demonstrated by Steven in a master class of elegance and skill. Steven has a real passion for helping people and that shone through in his presentation.  I will certainly be training in this, I was up next and what a tough act to follow!

I spoke about my approach and thoughts on “Weight Management” using my unique approach which is a little different from tradition.  I shared my finding on “What, How and Why” people eat and also the relation to digesting information going into Transactional Analysis, Metaphor work and the provocative style I use with some more challenging clients.

I really enjoyed the experience and hope the other delegates and speakers enjoyed my contribution and challenging methods.

The next speaker was someone I know, my friend, mentor, supervisor and organiser of the conference, Nick Davies.

Nick presentation was on PTSD and Trauma which he has featured in many media publications and radio. He is known as “The PTSD Whisper” and is in my opinion the go to guy on this subject.

Nick has all the neurology to back up his BLAST® Technique and his presenting style is very polished he is very easy to listen to also eager to answer any questions on the subject. His passion is clear and knowledge is outstanding. Nick is world class and once again proved it with a demonstration of his skill with people. I never fail to learn when around Nick.

Next up was Christopher Paul Jones also known as “The Breakthrough Expert” and also has been featured on TV and media and is very charismatic.

Christopher spoke on fears and phobia’s and has a deep knowledge on the subject interacting with the audience and sharing some great tips and tricks to deal with any issues client have. The presentation was slick and professional incorporating a real personal story of his fear of flying and how he overcame this. Chris also did a live demo which was very good helping someone with a fear of dogs.

Big Darren Housley was next talking on more of the business side of therapy, Practice Building. Darren is probably the busiest therapist I know seeing up to 30 clients a week in Yorkshire. Darren’s presentation was delivered with humour and knowledge. This is an area which is neglected by some therapist so the information was of great value and I think we all learned a great deal from it. It’s great to see a person with a passion for helping as many people as he can succeed and also so free with his inside knowledge so other can gain from that. He held nothing back and was very open and honest with any questions from the delegates and another true gent of this profession.

Last but not least was Colin T Fisher someone new to me and talking on the subject “Law of Attraction”.  I must admit I used to be a little sceptical on this subject however I always approach anything with an open mind.  Colin certain has a lot of energy when presenting and had us all in the right vibe. He presentation talked a lot about what he thought was missing from a lot of LOA stuff and I must admit I liked him from the off. I’m certainly going to put into practice what he taught as a lot of it was good advice that made sense, none of the fluffy nonsense, it also helped he is a very good business man so lives in the real world and shared his successes and failures with us. He is also was a bloody nice bloke.

All in all the day was a great success. I look forward to next year’s conference which I’m sure will be bigger, better (If that’s possible!) and with more speakers.

Contact me today for a free consultation 024 75098634 or click HERE

Adam Cowming

Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy

Why come to see a therapist?

Why Come to See A Therapist

Why come and see a therapist? Taking care of your mental health is an important step in caring for yourself as a whole. Stress, anxiety, depression, addictions, and more can all affect your day-to-day life; seeing a therapist can help you form healthy coping tactics that can improve your quality of life. In some cases, symptoms can be indicators of larger problems, and a therapist can offer insight into what may be causing them.

Therapy used to have the stigma that it was only for seriously “messed up” people. And though some of those feelings still exist, the stereotype is slowly being left behind.

Why come and see a therapist? Many people find that therapy also provides some unexpected benefits. When they leave, they realize they’ve gotten more than they bargained for—sort of a bonus for engaging in the experience.

The main objective is helping people relieve their symptoms and underlying issues. But if they can resolve their problem while becoming better listeners and empathizers with an ability to discuss deep issues in a way that positively impacts their inner circle, what’s the problem?

Therapy isn’t just for moments of earth-shattering personal tragedies. It can also be useful in reorienting yourself toward your true wants and needs, training yourself in the art of self-compassion, and better understanding, respecting, and communicating your feelings. And—surprise—it’s often easier to pursue these goals when you’re not wrestling bigger, darker obstacles. So consider this your permission to give therapy a try, even if your life is going hunky-dory. Your future self may just look back and say, “Thanks!”

Rather than seeking out therapy (men?), people will convince themselves that everything is fine. They tell themselves their sadness, worry, irritability, sleeping problems, high stress, and physical tension will dissipate independently.

The real courage comes from identifying the need for treatment and sharing this need with trusted people in your life. Shouting your symptoms across every social media platform isn’t necessary or helpful — you only have to admit the truth to yourself.

Contact me today for a free consultation 024 75098634 or click HERE



Beautiful Life Hypnotherapy